There’s a few things you should know and consider when using $HMONEY as a resource:


Financial advice and opinion shared on $HMONEY’s podcast, website and social media is either told by or consulted with experts in their respected fields. Transparency is of utmost importance when it comes to relaying information.



Any advice related to lived experience will be claimed as such unless stated otherwise. With that said, it’s strongly encouraged that you consider advice as it relates to your unique financial and/or life situation at the time being.


Statistics and researched information used in $HMONEY’s podcast, on its website and social media will always be linked back to a credible and reliable source.


$HMONEY only works with people, brands, and organizations it loves, supports and respects for their missions, values and processes.


Overall, $HMONEY seeks to assist, inspire, relate to and be in the comfort of it’s audience members at all times. You did come to the place ‘where green turns to gold’, after all.
